The Inter Faith Network for the UK office has now closed

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…


This section of the website is an archive, and lists all pages linked to COVID-19, including pages about the many different ways that faith and inter faith groups across the UK responded to the pandemic. Dates below are the date a page was last updated, not the date of first publication.

Pages in this section are mainly in the 'archive' section below.

31 March 2020

Faith Communities and Coronavirus: A statement

A Statement by the Co-Chairs and Faith Communities Forum Moderators of IFN

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  • Archive

    COVID-19 Government guidance

    This page contains Government guidance on COVID-19.

    Published 14 March 2022

    Videos from IFN 2021 National Meeting - Faith communities and COVID-19: Learning from the Journey

    This page contains video presentations from the 2021 National Meeting of the Inter Faith Network for the UK. The theme of the day was Faith Communities and COVID-19: Learning from the journey.

    Published 4 June 2021

    COVID-19 Online dialogue and other inter faith activity

    This page includes examples of some of the ways that Inter Faith Network member bodies are continuing inter faith dialogue, meetings and activity during this time.

    Published 7 May 2021

    COVID-19 Acts of kindness and service

    Around the UK thousands of people are responding to COVID-19 through acts of kindness and service. We highlight below just a few examples from faith communities and faith-based bodies.

    Published 6 May 2021

    COVID-19 and Funerals

    This page contains guidance from faith communities and faith community organisations on funeral rites and practices in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.

    Published 5 May 2021

    COVID-19 and Vaccination

    This page contains information and guidance from faith communities about COVID-19 vaccination

    Published 5 May 2021

    COVID-19 and faith communities – Surveys and research

    Many organisations have been undertaking research and surveys on the impact of COVID-19. A number of these are relevant to faith and inter faith bodies. Examples are below.

    Published 30 April 2021

    COVID-19 IFN member faith community organisations’ guidance

    A number of IFN member bodies have issued guidance on COVID-19, which can be viewed by clicking on the name of the organisation below. The links will no doubt change on a regular basis but the range and nature of responses may be helpful to be aware of.

    Published 13 August 2020

    COVID-19 Online worship and devotional resources

    This page includes examples of how faith communities are providing ‘virtual’ worship and devotional opportunities and guidance, as well as examples of resources for prayers at home whilst places of worship were closed following social distancing measures.

    Published 11 August 2020

    COVID-19 Special initiatives

    This page includes some of the special initiatives from faith communities and inter faith groups/organisations in response to the pandemic.

    Published 24 June 2020

    COVID-19 Keeping existing projects going online

    A number of local groups are using online postings and such programmes as Zoom, Teams and Blue Jeans to keep existing programmes going. Examples of these are listed below.

    Published 19 June 2020

    COVID-19 Civic engagement and information sharing

    Local groups are sharing information about COVID-19 and also helping members and local faith groups to explore aspects of this. Websites are a particularly important resource at this time, alongside social media, emails and WhatsApp.

    Published 16 June 2020

    COVID-19 and charities/ voluntary organisations

    This page draws together advice and information on dealing with the impacts of COVID-19 on charities and voluntary organisations. It is not specific to faith and inter faith charities, and the focus is organisational issues.

    Published 1 June 2020

    COVID-19 Pastoral and spiritual care for the sick

    This page contains stories about care being provided through communities, including chaplaincies, as well as information from member faith bodies on pastoral and spiritual support for those who are in their last stages of life and those caring for them.

    Published 28 May 2020

    COVID-19 A time to learn – religious literacy

    This page includes some of the opportunities provided by member bodies for online learning at this time.

    Published 13 May 2020

    COVID-19 Sharing messages and prayers from faith leaders

    This page includes examples of local inter faith organisations that have drawn together leaders from local faith communities to share messages and prayers.

    Published 12 May 2020