The Inter Faith Network for the UK office has now closed

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

Young People and Inter Faith Engagement: Making a difference together - Report on IFN National Meeting 2018

A report on IFN's 2018 National Meeting, which had a special focus on young people and inter faith engagement

IFN's 2018 National Meeting took place at the Derby County Football Club on 4 July 2018, and had a special focus on young people and inter faith engagement. 

The day included the launch of Connect: A youth inter faith action guide, and many of the young people who had been involved with work on that took part in the day as presenters, facilitators and participants. 

Participants at the National Meeting also discussed a 'Call to Action Paper' on youth inter faith engagement. The discussion is recorded within the report on the day, and a copy of the paper is annexed.